Cambridge Vending Solutions Ltd

Cambridge Vending Solutions Ltd are a supplier of office coffee machines, vending machines, smart fridges and micro-markets to Cambridge and the surrounding areas. We provide these solutions either self operated or fully managed by our team of operators.

With a team having over 50 years of experience providing outstanding vending services to customers across the east of England, we at Cambridge Vending Solutions Ltd know exactly how to supply your coffee, vending and food services. Our solutions are tailored to most environments from small office coffee machines to vending services for the largest workplace as well as MicroMarkets and Smart Fridges for 24/7 food supply.

The local supplier of coffee machines, vending machines, smart fridges and micro-market retail solutions to Cambridge and the surrounding areas.

Cambridge Vending Solutions - Coffee and Vending Logo

Sales Manager

Products and services

Coffee machines, Vending Machines, Water Coolers, Smart Fridges and Micro-Markets

CVS provide a wide range of coffee machines - bean to cup or instant and fresh milk or dried milk. These xan be counter top or free standing. We also provide a range of snack and cold drinks vending machines which feature the latest contactless payment technology. Our water coolers and water boilers can be located in almost any location. We are also new to the market with a range of fresh food vending solutions, whether through a traditional food carousel or our new smart fridges or bespoke Micro-Markets.

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